Saturday, June 13, 2009

weekend projects

I am finally posting some fun stuff.  I recently decided that I wanted to sew, but I didn't want to have any more rage blackouts, so I made a deal with my sewing machine that I would not curse it if it would work properly and vice versa.  So far we are both holding up our ends of the bargain.  This means that I am not allowed to swear or raise my voice at my sewing machine. "It's supposed to be fun"--that's what I repeat to myself when I am tempted to damn my machine to hell.  It's going well so far...

Here's a little pillow case that does not match anything that  I own so I am thinking I might give it away. 

This bag is an adaptation of one of Amy Karol's patterns.  My version is smaller ( I didn't measure anything, just made sure all the pieces were the same size) and MUCH easier to make.  It's surprising that I am able to pull stuff like this off considering my low scores in geometry class.  I really like these fabrics--how lovely green and orange are together.

This was a project idea I got from this blog, and it was really fun and easy to make.  Of course it's news paper covered in modge-podge, so you can't put anything edible in it, but it's a really good catch-all for all those little things that have no place.


  1. amazing! my friend Jenn has some really good (and free) sewing patterns on her blog:
